Why call "the BRUCE" home?
FOR FAMILIES - We have schools, community centres, camps, hockey, skating arenas. There are pools, tennis courts and basketball courts. The area has every thing a family needs for a summer of fun or a year round home - accept the hustle bustle - you will have to stay in the city for that!
FOR RETIREES - There are several medical clinics, hospitals, community volunteer positions, golf courses, hiking trails, lot's and lot's of nature - there are Lion's Clubs - there is Lioness clubs, Rotary Clubs, artist workshops, theatre and let's not forget the local legions! A property in the Bruce is a great solution for those wanting a wonderful clean place to retire close to the big cities - yet far enough away to breath a breath of fresh air every time you wake in the morning!
The Bruce Peninsula is still an affordable place to live or own a cottage. There is not the traffic going up Hwy 6 like there is up Hwy 11. You can still take a walk through a nature reserve and never run into another person for miles. Our water is still clean and pure - our air fresh and clean. We have the darkest skies in southwestern Ontario. The Bruce Peninsula has many conservation organisations and we are on the cuttng edge of the "green" movement. The only question is WHY AREN"T YOU ALREADY HERE?